2-16 - 2-22 at CVS
Buy 3 jumbo packs of Huggies or Pampers Diapers get a $5 CVS gift card.
This isn't as great of a deal as spend $30 get a $10ECB like we normally see, but if you are in need of diapers this is an ok deal. I looked at the following weeks ad and it is not great for diapers either.
This is what I am going to do. My daughter is now potty training so instead of paying the extra for Pull-ups I buy the slip on diapers. You get more diapers and you can still take advantage of the higher value coupon!
3 Huggies Diapers $8.99 each = $27
3 $1.50/1 Huggies CVS Coupon - $4.50
3 $1.50 Huggies Coupon (Share the deal to get a better coupon) - $4.50
If you have any ECB's use them to lower your OOP (Out of Pocket)
Your total should be around $18 plus get back a $5 Gift Card. So it's like paying $13 for 3 packs
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