
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Coupon Binder

Just this past week I broke down and decided to organize all my coupons into a binder. Before I kept telling myself that I wasn't that bad with couponing. Ha! Let me just say, the binder is awesome! Before I had my coupons in a coupon expando. Any time I saw a deal I had to pull my coupons out and go through them one by one. Most of the time I was having to balance Selah on my hip while doing this. Even though my coupons were in categories it still took forever and half the time I could never find what I was looking for. Now I just open my folder, flip to the section and find the page. I can even do all this with a toddler on my hip!

My folder is just a one inch that I have left over from college that has never been used. I will be upgrading to a 2 or 3 inch very soon. Definitely start off with a 2 inch, especially if you are going to keep the ads with you. My dividers are regular except for the last one, it has a pocket on the front and back of it. I keep scissors and a pen in the front and will soon be getting one of those zipper pencil holders that go in the notebook to store them in. I want to add a calculator to that, but I'm waiting for a pink bling one to match my pink bling scissors. (any of you know who me well know that I love sparkle.) In the very back in my pocket I keep extra coupon inserts that I haven't cut. I buy two papers and cut all the coupons from one paper. I leave my second papers inserts alone and only cut them when they have a deal where I need those coupons. That way, I'm not spending so much time cutting coupons and those coupons add a bulk to your folder if cut. In the very very back I keep all the sale ads for that week. I bought a pack of playing card holders from Target for $5 and my friend Amber ordered both of us some of the currency pockets which will be great for internet coupons. Ebay has tons of options where you can spend $20 on 100 and pick which ones you want whether it be the 1 pocket, 2 pocket, 3 pocket, 4 pocket, etc and even mix and match. Right now I have my coupons separated like this:

- Soups
- Frozen meals/Appetizers (lasagna, frozen chicken nuggets, etc)
- Box meals
- Rice and Noodles
- Meats
- Dairy
- Breads
- Peanut Butter, Jelly, Condiments
- Drinks
- Breakfast
- Fruits and Veggies
- Candy

- Air Wick
- Glade
- Febreze
- Swiffer
- Mr. Clean
- Dish Soap/ Hand Soap/ Dish Detergent
- Laundry Detergent/ Fabric Softeners

- Tooth Paste/Mouth Wash
- Tooth Brushes
- Body Wash/ Soap
- Deodorant
- Tampons
- Pads/ Liners
- Shaving Cream
- Razors
- Shampoo
- Hair Color/ Hair Products
- Make Up
- Toilet Paper/ Paper Towels
- Medicines

- Diapers
- Wipes
- Misc
- Toys


I've read where people keep their store policies in their binder. I have learned that even if you have it, they are still going to call over a manager who is going to have to go back and check with their Coupon Policy. So I won't be wasting my time/space to do that. Unless you need to see it, then you could have it or have them all typed on one page and place it in your folder. You can even do an index and keep it in the front of your folder. I opted not to. I basically have everything memorized just by flipping through it this week. To me all these pages you can print out to label your sections are unnecessary and takes up valuable space.

The Krazy Coupon Lady has a FREE printable PDF for organizing your binder. I didn't use it, but it is pretty neat. HERE is the link for the free print off. Even if you don't print it off, you can use it to get an idea of what to do.

My Coupon Binder

When you open it. I will be getting a zipper pouch to hold my stuff on the left.

A closer look at my tabs. They aren't labeled because they are memorized. 

My extra uncut inserts in the tab folder

The sale Ads in the back pocket

Hope you've enjoyed my blog about my Binder. I'm sure I will change it many more times as I use it more and see what works best for me and my needs. I thought about doing a VLOG for my binder but then felt silly haha. Maybe one day I will do one. Please comment and let me know what you think. I love getting comments and seeing who all reads my blogs. Also, you can Pin it to Pinterest. 

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHH!!!!! I wish I had time for stuff like this!!!! :D
