
Start Couponing

How to Start Couponing

Get Coupons
- Sunday Newspaper
Smart Source
Coupon Network
Betty Crocker
Making Life Better
Mambo Sprouts
Live Better America
Procter and Gamble

Link Coupons to your Rewards Cards

You can always check The Sunday Coupon Preview to see what coupons will be in your Sunday paper. Just know they are regional and may differ some.

-Ebay is also a great place to order coupons when you are wanting a lot of one kind of coupon. For instance, I ordered 40 $1/1 Wet and Wild Coupons for $3 with free shipping. I used those coupons and bought 52 nail polishes for FREE. See that post HERE

Organize Your Coupons
You can use a coupon expando, an envelope system, or a binder. You can check out my post on a Coupon Binder.

Check Out Sales
I would suggest following a blog., and are great places to start. Every week they have the ad write up for each store and they post under each item the coupons that are available. If they are internet coupons they have the link where you can click it and it takes you right to the coupon to print.

I would suggest picking one store and learning how to coupon at it. Once you feel like you have it down, then move to the next store.

Digital Coupons.
You can load coupons to your Kroger Card by going here and singing in with your card number. The main thing to remember is that E-Coupons do not double. E-Coupons will also be taken off before your regular coupons. So if you have a higher value paper coupon then you need to take the digital coupon off. I ended up downloading the Kroger App for my iPhone so I can look at what digital coupons I have, the sale ad, and  I can download coupons to my card right from my phone.

What is Doubling?
Doubling is what certain stores will do to coupons if they are a certain price or under. Kroger and Publix will double coupons $0.50 and under. For instance, you have a $0.50 off 1 written as $0.50/1 coupon for deodorant. They will double that so not only do you get $0.50 off, but you also get an additional $0.50 off!

How to Stack Coupons
Let's say you have a $2 off Publix Coupon for Pasta Sauce and a $1 off manufacturers coupons for the same item. You can use those coupons together to get $3 off.

How to Use BOGO (Buy 1 Get 1) Sales With Coupons
Just recently Publix had their Bertolli Pasta Sauce BOGO for $2.59. I used a $1.50/2 Manufacturers coupon and stacked that with a $1/2 Publix coupon. I ended up paying $0.09 for 2 pasta sauces. You can use one manufacturers coupon and one store coupon for item. So if the sale is BOGO then you can use a Manu. and a Store coupon on the Buy One and a Manu. and Store coupon on the Get One. Some Publix also takes competitor coupons. If you have a Target Coupon for the same item you can also stack that with it. This is how you let BOGO sales work for you. See my Publix Bertoli deal HERE

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